Generate SystemVerilog

kratos can only generate SystemVerilog. However, it only uses a subset of SystemVerilog features that can be understood by most open-source EDA tools such as verilator.

kratos shipped with a simple helper function that generate verilog for you:

def verilog(generator: Generator, optimize_if: bool = True,
            optimize_passthrough: bool = True,
            optimize_fanout: bool = True,
            optimize_bundle: bool = True,
            reorder_stmts: bool = False,
            check_active_high: bool = True,
            debug_fn_ln: bool = False,
            additional_passes: Dict = None,
            int_dpi_interface: bool = True,
            remove_assertion: bool = False,
            check_inferred_latch: bool = True,
            check_multiple_driver: bool = True,
            check_combinational_loop: bool = True,
            insert_pipeline_stages: bool = False,
            filename: str = None,
            output_dir: str = None,
            insert_debug_info: bool = False,
            insert_verilator_info: bool = False,
            insert_break_on_edge: bool = False,
            check_flip_flop_always_ff: bool = True,
            debug_db_filename: str = "",
            use_parallel: bool = True,
            track_generated_definition: bool = False,
            lift_genvar_instances: bool = False,
            compile_to_verilog: bool = False):

The required argument generator has to be the top level circuit you want to generate. The function returns a Python dictionary indexed by module name. If you only want to generate a system verilog file, you can provide a path to filename argument, which will output all the module definition into a single file. The reset of the argument wil be explained in advanced topics.

Notice that we can also generate a group of SystemVerilog files by specifying output_dir. Every module definition will have its own filename. If special construct is used, such as DPI function calls or packed struct, definition.svh will be created in that directory and all module files will include that header file. Kratos only override the file content if it detects a change. This very useful for incremental build for commercial simulators.

There are some experimental features that’s turned off by default. However, users can turn it on explicitly if needed:

  1. lift_genvar_instances. If set, the compiler will detect any code structure that can be folded into a genvar instance statement. This is done by detecting if there is any similar generator instantiation that wired to either the same port, or a slice of the port.


Once filename or output_dir is specified, the code generator will ignore extract_struct option to ensure the generated SystemVerilog code is correct.


If old Verilog, e.g., Verilog-95, is required for some EDA tools, such as yosys, you can set compile_ti_verilog to True, which will invoke sv2v to trans-compile the generated SystemVerilog code into plain Verilog code. You need to have sv2v in your PATH. You can install it from the official website:, or simply install the unofficial build pip install pysv2v.