First steps

This sections demonstrates the basic features of kratos. Before getting started, make sure that development environment is set up to run the included tests.

Installing kratos

kratos requires Python 3.6+. Please make sure that you have necessary Python environment set up.


You can simply do

pip install kratos

This will download the pre-compiled binary wheel.

Other OS/ Compiling from source

You need a C++-17 compatible compiler with <filesystem> enabled. g++-8 or clang++-8 should be sufficient. Also making sure that you have met the following dependencies:

  • CMake

If your system doesn’t come with a recent cmake, you can install cmake through your pip:

pip install cmake

Then you should be able to install using the following command

git clone
cd kratos
git submodule init && git submodule update
pip install .

Development setup

You can simply do

pip install -e .

Create a simple pass-through module

In kratos, every module is a live generator object. You can create a circuit definition inside __init__() constructor, just as normal Python object. This allows you to fuse configuration with the circuit itself, which can be used to provide single-source-of-truth in hardware design.

from kratos import *

class PassThroughMod(Generator):
    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__("PassThrough", False)
        self.in_ = self.input("in", 1)
        self.out_ = self.output("out", 1)
        self.wire(self.out_, self.in_)

super().__init__("PassThrough", False) tells the underlying system to create a verilog module called PassThrough and we don’t want debug information (thus False).

We now can go ahead and instantiate a path through module:

mod = PassThroughMod()

To produce a system verilog file called “” in the current working directory, we can simply call a helper function

verilog(mod, filename="")

Looking at the content of, we can see the following system verilog definition:

module PassThrough (
  input logic  in,
  output logic  out

assign out = in;
endmodule   // PassThrough

To see how debug works, we can modify the super() base class constructor into

super().__init__("PassThrough", True)

Now if we call verilog() with debug on, such as

verilog(mod, filename="", debug=True)

We will have an additional debug information file called in the same directory as, which is a JSON file indexed by line number.

  "1": [["/tmp/kratos/", 3]],
  "2": [["/tmp/kratos/", 4]],
  "3": [["/tmp/kratos/", 5]],
  "6": [["/tmp/kratos/", 6]]}

Put everything together

Here is an example that prints out the pass through module

import kratos

class PassThroughMod(kratos.Generator):
    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__("PassThrough", False)
        self.in_ = self.input("in", 1)
        self.out_ = self.output("out", 1)
        self.wire(self.out_, self.in_)

mod = PassThroughMod()
mod_src = kratos.verilog(mod)