Passes in Kratos

Kratos allows you to modify the entire design at any time before the code generation step. The most efficient way to modify the design is through passes. A pass is defined as a function that takes a generator and change the generator in-place to produce a different generator. There are roughly two kinds of passes in kratos:

  1. Application specific passes
  2. Symbol-level passes

Application specific Passes

Application specific passes such as power domain insertion have to be done with a particular domain knowledge. Since kratos encourages you to fuse application information into the generator class, writing a function to identify these information and act accordingly can be very straightforward. This documentation will focus on more systematic passes: symbol-level.

Symbol-Level Passes

The internal IR in kratos is constructed as an abstract syntax tree (AST) where each node is linked with a symbol. By visiting the AST we can modify the IR as well as checking for errors. This is very close to the passes in LLVM. Depending on whether the pass mutates the IR, a pass is categorized as either a analysis passes or a transformation pass. For instance, a pass to extract all the debug information is an analysis pass since it doesn’t mutate any IR node. A module instantiation pass is a transformation pass since it mutates the generate node to create a module instantiation statement.

Built-in Passes

Kratos ships with many useful passes to make the verilog more readable and your life easier:

  • fix_assignment_type: change Undefined assignment types into appropriate types. For instance, it will change top level assignments into blocking assignment, which will be code generated into assign statement.
  • remove_unused_vars: remove unused variables. It can be run multiple times after different passes to remove the artifacts.
  • verify_generator_connectivity: verify that each generator is connected properly.
  • create_module_instantiation: create module instantiation statement after user calls add_child.
  • zero_out_stubs: zero out the stub outputs.
  • check_mixed_assignment: check if there is any mixed blocking/non-blocking assignments in code blocks.
  • hash_generators_sequential: hash generators for code generation sequentially. This not encouraged to use since it’s slow.
  • hash_generators_parallel: hash generators for code generation. This is a lock-free thread-pool implementation of the hash function.
  • remove_unused_stmts: remove empty statements in top level.
  • decouple_generator_ports: create extra variable to connect sub modules, if necessary.
  • uniquify_generators: assign different module name if two are indeed different
  • generate_verilog: verilog code generation pass.
  • extract_debug_info: extract debug information.
  • extract_struct_info: extract packed struct information
  • transform_if_to_case: transform if statement into case statement if it determines appropriate. It is because Python doesn’t have switch statement, the AST produce a chained if-else statement. This pass will handle that.
  • remove_fanout_one_wires: this pass removes unnecessary wires
  • remove_pass_through_modules: this pass will remove any pass-through modules created by user. It is not necessary for the physical design, but extremely helpful to reduce the simulation size.
  • merge_wire_assignments: this pass merges top level wire slices into a single wire assignment.
  • insert_pipeline_stages: this pass insert pipeline registers on the output. You need to add an attribute to the generator you want to insert. The type string should be pipeline and value string should be [num_stages] in string. If your generator has multiple clock inputs, you have to add an attribute with {pipeline_clk, port_name} as well.
  • zero_generator_inputs: this is a pass that wires all child generator’s un-connected inputs to zero. You need to add an attribute to the parent generator. The type_str should be zero_inputs, no value_str needed. Notice that it only handles one-level down.
  • change_port_bundle_struct: automatically change the port bundle into packed struct whenever possible
  • realize_fsm: realize finite state machine into more basic primitives.
  • check_function_return: check return statement related bugs, such as missing return in some code blocks or unreachable code due to early return.
  • sort_stmts: sort the statements in the order of assignment, module instantiation, combinational, and sequential logic. This is off by default.
  • check_non_synthesizable_content: this is a pass that checks all the IR nodes in the design that is not synthesizable. It will print out all the relevant code that’s producing offending SystemVerilog code. Notice that you have to turn the debug on to see the source. An exception is thrown if detected.
  • check_inferred_latch: check to make sure there is no inferred latch in combinational and sequential code blocks. This will report where it found the corresponding assignments. Limitation: it doesn’t handle variable slicing very well. This is intended to be a quick check and no false negative. You’re still encouraged to check DC compiler warnings.
  • check_function_return: check to make sure that the function has return values if not void.
  • check_always_sensitivity: check to make sure the variable in the sensitivity list is properly typed. Only allow clock and async reset signals.
  • check_multiple_driver: check if a signal is illegally driven by multiple drivers.
  • inject_debug_break_points: inject the breakpoints in the IR, which will be used to interact with kratos-runtime.
  • inject_assert_fail_exception: inject exception into assertion when the assertion fails. This can only be used with kratos-runtime.
  • remove_assertion: remove assertion statement and transform the logic design when necessary to keep the IR succinct.
  • check_flip_flop_always_ff: make sure that always_ff is synthesizable for Design Compiler. See ELAB-302 in user guide.
  • dead_code_elimination: aggressively removes logic that does not contribute to any output logic. This will remove ports, instances, and any internal logic, including registers.
  • auto_insert_clock_enable: insert clock enable if the generator is has a clock enable port and hasn’t been marked with “dont_touch”.

Write your own Pass

Because kratos is based on C++ and binds to Python through pybind, there are two ways to write a pass:

  • C++
  • Python

The procedure to add a pass is very similar. The function has to take a top level Generator class then perform some analysis or transformation on it. All the passes in kratos rely on the IRVisitor class, which recursively visit each symbols in the IR. For C++ users you need to check how the passes is done in src/, where all the passes listed above are implemented there.

To write a pass in Python, you can inherit the class in the same way as C++. Here is an example that changes every generator’s out port into test

def change_name(generator):
    class Visitor(IRVisitor):
        def __init__(self):

        def visit(self, node):
            if isinstance(node, Port):
                # rename the output port
                if == "out":
           = "test"

    visitor = Visitor()

To add the pass, you can add the pass into verilog function call. The additional passes will be executed at the very beginning.

verilog(mod, additional_passes={"name_change": change_name})

If you want to control the ordering of the passes being executed, it is very easy to do so in kratos. You can obtain a PassManager from VerilogModule:

code_gen = _kratos.VerilogModule(generator.internal_generator)
pass_manager = code_gen.pass_manager()

Then you have to register your own passes using the following function call:

pass_manager.register_pass(name, fn)

where name is the name to be registered in the PassManager and fn is the function. After pass registration, you can call add_pass(pass_name) to add passes in order, such as


After registering and adding passes, you can call code_gen.run_passes to run all the passes in the order you give. To get verilog out, you can use code_gen.verilog_src(), which returns a dictionary of verilog source code indexed by the module name.


All the built-in passes have been pre-registered. You can just use the name to add the built-in passes.

A note on parallelism

Kratos tries to speed up as much as possible by using a threadp pool. By default, it uses up to half of the number of CPUs reported by your system. This is to ensure the compilation won’t interference with other jobs. However, should you want to change this behavior, you can use _kratos.util.set_num_cpus(num)` to change the behavior.


Due to Python’s GIL, you cannot run a passes written in Python in parallel in kratos’ backend. This is the technical limitation of Python.

Helper functions for your passes

Kratos comes with many helper functions to make writing passes easier. Here is a list of helper functions:

  • [gen].replace(child_instance_name, new_child). This function replace the child generator child_instance_name with the new generator child new_child, in the context of [gen], which is a Generator object. It does all the proper type checking and connection linking for you, in a very efficient manner.
  • Var.move_src_to(old_var, new_var, parent_gen, keep_connection). This is a static function that moves the old_var’s sources to new_var, in the context of parent_gen. If keep_connection is set to true, it will create a wiring connection between the old_var and the new_var. Notice that if you’re using this function in Python, you have to call [gen].internal_generator to get the actual C++ generator object as parent_gen.
  • Var.move_sink_to(old_var, new_var, parent_gen, keep_connection). This is a static function that moves the old_var’s sinks to new_var, in the context of parent_gen. This serves the similar functionality as Var.move_src_to().