Generator of Generators

Kratos follows the idea of generators of generators. Every class inherits from kratos.Generator class is a generator which can generate different circuit based on different parameters. To push the generator idea even further, you can modify the circuit even after being instantiated from a generator class. The backend engine can take of the additional changes.

There are two ways to populate circuit definition to the generator:

  1. Free-style code block
  2. Procedural code generation

Each approach has its own strengths and drawbacks. In general, using code block makes the Python code more readable and procedural code generation is more flexible and universal. If you look at the source code, free-style code block is just a helper to construct circuit definition procedurally.

Port and Variables

As in verilog, we need to declare ports and variables before we can describe the circuit logic. To declare a port, you can call the port function from the generator:

def port(self, name: str, width: int, direction: PortDirection,
         port_type: PortType = PortType.Data,
         is_signed: bool = False, size: int = 1,
         packed: bool = False)

PortDirection and PortType are enums to specify the types of the port we’re creating. The definitions for these enum are:

class PortDirection(enum.Enum):
    In = _kratos.PortDirection.In
    Out = _kratos.PortDirection.Out
    InOut = _kratos.PortDirection.InOut

class PortType(enum.Enum):
    Data = _kratos.PortType.Data
    Clock = _kratos.PortType.Clock
    AsyncReset = _kratos.PortType.AsyncReset
    ClockEnable = _kratos.PortType.ClockEnable
    Reset = _kratos.PortType.Reset

Notice that _kratos is a namespace that came from the native C++ binding. kratos also has some helper functions to help you create commonly used ports:

def input(self, name, width, port_type: PortType = PortType.Data,
          is_signed: bool = False, size: int = 1, packed: bool = False)

def output(self, name, width, port_type: PortType = PortType.Data,
           is_signed: bool = False, size: int = 1, packed: bool = False)

def clock(self, name, is_input=True)

def reset(self, name, is_input=True, is_async=True)

To declare a variable, simply call the following function to create one:

def var(self, name: str, width: int,
         is_signed: bool = False)

kratos will do type checking for width, port_type, and is_signed to avoid any implicit conversion that could be difficult to detect.

Variable Proxies

For simple modules, it is fine to hold a port/variable/parameters as class attributes. However, as the generator gets more complicated, it may be difficult to maintain all the variable names. kratos Generator comes with handy proxies to access all the variables you need. You can access a port either through

  • [gen].ports.port_name
  • [gen].ports["port_name"]

where [gen] is any generator instance and port_name is the name you want to access. Similarly, you can use

  • [gen].vars.port_name
  • [gen].vars["port_name]

and [gen].params for parameters.


Whenever we perform some arithmetic or logic operator on port/variables, we implicitly create an expression. An expression can be assigned to a port or a variable. It can also be composed together to form more complex expressions.

>>> from kratos import *
>>> g = Generator("mod")
>>> a = g.var("a", 1)
>>> b = g.var("b", 1)
>>> c = a + b
>>> c
a + b
>>> d = c + c
>>> d
(a + b) + (a + b)

To avoid conflicts with python built-in functions, some verilog operators are not directly implemented as operator overloads in Python:

  1. eq() for logical comparison
  2. ashr() for signed arithmetic shift right.


Kratos’s Python front-end will try it’s best to do conversation, when it deeds type-safe. For instance, you can directly adding python integers to a Kratos variable, or simply wire(a, 1), where a is a Kratos variable. However, if due to either type checking or some special cases where the type conversation doesn’t work, you can call const function to specify the constant value. The rule of thumb is to use explicit constant call as much as possible and only use the implicit conversion when you know it’s going to be safe. Here is the const function definition

def const(value: int, width: int, signed: bool = False)


Say we have var + num, where var is either a port or variable and num is a python integer. The rules of implicit conversation is 1. The converted constant will have the same width as the var 2. The converted constant will have the same sign as the var.

If the value is out of range, an exception will thrown and you have to use either concatenate or slice the left hand side.


ND Array is supported in kratos. You can create an array though the Generator.var() function call and set the size to the array size in a similar way as numpy array. For instance, if a.size = (3, 4, 5), then a[0] will have size (4, 5) and a[0][0] will have size 5.

def var(self, name: str, width: Union[int, _kratos.Param, _kratos.Enum],
      is_signed: bool = False, size: Union[int, Union[List, Tuple]] = 1,
      packed: bool = False, explicit_array: bool = False)


By default, kratos creates unpacked array to allow better error/warning checking in downstream tools. However, users can override this by setting packed=True during the variable or port construction.


Enums are type-checked and compiled directly into SystemVerilog enum directly. Currently are limited to generate scope and cannot be shared across different generators. This many change in the future.

To use enum, first you need to define an enum definition, then you create enum variables based on the enum definition. You can only assign enum values to these enum variables:

mod = Generator("mod")
state = mod.enum("STATE", {"IDLE": 0, "READY": 1})
v = mod.enum_var("v", state)

This gives us:

module mod (

typedef enum logic {
  IDLE = 1'h0,
  READY = 1'h1
STATE   v;
assign v = IDLE;
endmodule   // mod

If you want Kratos automatically assign enum values for you, you can pass in a list of enum names:

mod.enum("STATE", ["IDLE", "READY])

Kratos will assign values and compute the minimum width.

Notice that you can also have global enum as well, which will be put into a SystemVerilog package when generated using output_dir. To create a global enum, simply do

state = enum("STATE", ["IDLE", "READY"])

You can global enum as your port types as well. For instance, you can do the following:

inst_def = enum("INST", ["Add","Sub", "Mult", "Div"])
inst = mod.input("inst", inst_def)

This will be generated as:

typedef enum logic[1:0] {
  Add = 2'h0,
  Sub = 2'h1,
  Mult = 2'h2,
  Div = 2'h3

  input INST inst,


If you use local enum (defined from the generator class) as port type, you will get an exception during compilation.

Child generators

You can use add_child(inst_name, child) or add_child_generator to add a child generator. The inst_name is the instance name for that child generator and has to be unique within the parent scope. After adding the child generator to the parent scope, you can access the child generator through self[inst_name] method. __getitem__() has been overloaded to get the child.

This is a required step to properly instantiate the sub modules.

In addition to use wire() function to obtain the desired the connection between the parent and child, you can also pass the connection when adding the child generator, similar to how you instantiate a child instance in RTL:

parent = Generator("parent")
child = Generator("child")
a = parent.var("a", 1)
parent.var("b", 1)
parent.output("c", 1)
child_in = child.input("in_port", 1)
child_out1 = child.output("out_port1", 1)
child_out2 = child.output("out_port2", 1)
# we use the port name to instantiate the connection
# due to Python's limitation, we can use keyword such as "in"
# the syntax is child_port_name=parent_port
# where parent port can be either port name or port variable
parent.add_child("child_inst", child,
                 in_port=a, out_port1="b", out_port2="c")

As stated in comment section, it uses Python’s kwargs to pass in child port names and parent port. Since child port names are used as keywords, they cannot be parameterized like format string or list array, which is the limitation. If that is the case, we can always use wire function.


You can pass comment to the add_child as additional argument. The comment will show up in the generated SystemVerilog to help you debug.

External Modules

kratos allows you to create either an external module or an stub.

External module

External modules are created from verilog source. You can call Generator.from_verilog to import verilog files. You need to provide the port type mapping to alow the type checking to work properly.

def from_verilog(top_name: str, src_file: str, lib_files: List[str],
                    port_mapping: Dict[str, PortType]):

lib_files lets you import related verilog files at once so you don’t have to copy these files over.

Stub module

Sometimes you’re dealing with IPs while working on an open-source project, you can create a stub that mimics the IP interface but produce junk output. kratos provides helper methods to do that. All you need to do is to set the module as a stub after declaring the interface. self.is_stub = True. The backend engine will zero out the outputs for you.

Free-Style Code Block

kratos allows to write Genesis2 style verilog code inside Python (to some extent). The basic principle is that if a Python expression can be evaluated as integer or boolean, the compiler will be happy to do so. If the Python code results in a kratos expression, the compiler will leave it as is in the verilog.

Allowed python control flows that will be statically evaluated:

  1. for
  2. if
  3. class function calls that returns a single statement


In some cases, kratos will convert your for loop into standard SystemVerilog for loop to improve readability. This conversion only happens when all the following conditions match at the same time:

  1. The current generator is not in debug mode
  2. All the variables that the iterator indexed into are kratos variable

Keywords like while may or may not work depends on how it is nested side other statements.

Please also notice that kratos don’t allow generate statement in verilog, so the for loop range has to be statically determined, otherwise a SyntaxError will be thrown.

To add a code block to the generator definition, you need to wrap the code block into a class method with only self as argument, then call [gen].add_always([func]) to add the code block, where func is the function wrapper.

Combinational and Sequential Code Block

If you need to add a sequential code block that depends on some signals, you need to decorate the function wrapper with always_ff and sensitivity list. The list format is List[Tuple[EdgeType, str]], where the EdgeType can be either BlockEdgeType.Posedge or BlockEdgeType.Negedge. The str has be either a port or variable name. For instance, the code below will produce a code block that listens to clk and rst signal. Notice that if you do from kratos import *, you can use posedge or negedge directly.

@always_ff((posedge, "clk"), (posedge, "rst"))
def seq_code_block(self):
    # code here

For combinational block, you need to decorate the function with always_comb.

def comb_code(self):
    # code here


You are not allowed to call these functions directly since they are
not treated as function calls. As a result, you will get a syntax


Here are some examples the free-style code block in kratos that uses both combinational and sequential block. Of course you can write it in a more concise way: this is just an example of how to add code blocks.

class AsyncReg(Generator):
    def __init__(self, width):

        # define inputs and outputs
        self._in = self.input("in", width)
        self._out = self.output("out", width)
        self._clk = self.clock("clk")
        self._rst = self.reset("rst", 1)
        self._val = self.var("val", width)

        # add combination and sequential blocks


    @always_ff((posedge, "clk"), (posedge, "rst"))
    def seq_code_block(self):
        if self._rst:
            self._val = 0
            self._val = self._in

    def comb_code_block(self):
        self._out = self._val

Here is the verilog produced:

>>> reg = AsyncReg(16)
>>> mod_src = verilog(reg)
>>> print(mod_src["register"]
module register (
  input logic  clk,
  input logic [15:0] in,
  output logic [15:0] out,
  input logic  rst

logic  [15:0] val;

always @(posedge rst, posedge clk) begin
  if (rst) begin
    val <= 16'h0;
  else begin
    val <= in;
always_comb begin
  out = val;
endmodule   // register

If you found the example above verbose, you can put everything inside __init__ to avoid typing self over and over again. To produce the identical verilog, you can use scoped functions to reuse the variables created before:

class AsyncReg(Generator):
    def __init__(self, width):

        # define inputs and outputs
        _in = self.input("in", width)
        _out = self.output("out", width)
        _clk = self.clock("clk")
        _rst = self.reset("rst", 1)
        _val = self.var("val", width)

        @always_ff((posedge, "clk"), (posedge, "rst"))
        def seq_code_block():
            if _rst:
                _val = 0
                _val = _in

        def comb_code_block():
            _out = _val

        # add combination and sequential blocks

Here is another example on for static evaluation when the debug mode is True:

class PassThrough(Generator):
    def __init__(self, num_loop):
        super().__init__("PassThrough", True)
        self.in_ = self.input("in", 1)
        self.out_ = self.output("out", num_loop)
        self.num_loop = num_loop


    def code(self):
        if self.in_ == 1:
            for i in range(self.num_loop):
                self.out_[i] = 1
            for i in range(self.num_loop):
                self.out_[i] = 0

Here is the generated verilog

>>> a = PassThrough(4)
>>> mod_src = verilog(a)
>>> print(mod_src["PassThrough"])
module PassThrough (
  input logic  in,
  output logic [3:0] out

always_comb begin
  if (in == 1'h1) begin
    out[0:0] = 1'h1;
    out[1:1] = 1'h1;
    out[2:2] = 1'h1;
    out[3:3] = 1'h1;
  else begin
    out[0:0] = 1'h0;
    out[1:1] = 1'h0;
    out[2:2] = 1'h0;
    out[3:3] = 1'h0;
endmodule   // PassThrough

Here is the SystemVerilog when the debug mode is off:

module PassThrough (
  input logic in,
  output logic [3:0] out

always_comb begin
  if (in == 1'h1) begin
    for (int unsigned i = 0; i < 4; i += 1) begin
        out[2'(i)] = 1'h1;
  else begin
    for (int unsigned i = 0; i < 4; i += 1) begin
        out[2'(i)] = 1'h0;
endmodule   // PassThrough

Procedural code generation

Sometimes it is very difficult to generate a desired circuit definition through limited free-style code block. If that is the case, you can use the procedural code generation.

The main idea here is to construct verilog statement in a hierarchical way. The hierarchy is defined by verilog’s begin ... end closure. Here are a list of statements you can construct:

  • SequentialCodeBlock
  • CombinationalCodeBlock
  • SwitchStmt
  • IfStmt
  • AssignStmt
  • ForStmt


kratos provides a helper function called wire(var1, var2) that wires things together in the top level. In most cases the ordering does matter: it’s the same as assign var1 = var2;. The only exception is when one of them is a port (not port slice though).

Syntax sugars

Kratos’ Python front-end provides a concise front-end to create these blocks. SequentialCodeBlock can be constructed through [gen].sequential() and CombinationalCodeBlock can be constructed through [gen].combinational(). You can create a SwitchStmt through either [comb].switch_ or [seq].switch_. Similarly, you can get a IfStmt through either [comb].if_ or [seq].if_. For more details, please check out this link

To create an assignment, you can just use a normal function call to the variable/port, such as [gen].var.var_name(value), where the value can be either a variable/port/const or integer values (with implicit conversation).


Here is an example on how to build a case based N-input mux.

class Mux(Generator):
    def __init__(self, height: int, width: int):
        name = "Mux_{0}_{1}".format(width, height)

        # pass through wires
        if height == 1:
            self.in_ = self.input("I", width)
            self.out_ = self.output("O", width)
            self.wire(self.out_, self.in_)

        self.sel_size = clog2(height)
        input_ = self.input(I, width, size=height)
        self.out_ = self.output("O", width)
        self.input("S", self.sel_size)

        # add a combinational block
        comb = self.combinational()

        # add a case statement
        switch_ = comb.switch_(self.ports.S)
        for i in range(height):
            switch_.case_(i, self.out_(input_[i]))
        # add default
        switch_.case_(None, self.out_(0))

Here is the generated verilog

module Mux_16_3 (
  input logic [15:0] I [2:0],
  output logic [15:0] O,
  input logic [1:0] S

always_comb begin
  case (S)
    default: O = 16'h0;
    2'h0: O = I[0];
    2'h1: O = I[1];
    2'h2: O = I[2];
endmodule   // Mux_16_3