Finite State Machine

FSM in kratos is a first-class object, just like variables or ports. This design choice is made to help engineers to design complex FSM with ease.

Create a FSM

Lets look at the following code example

mod = Generator("mod", debug=True)
out_ = mod.output("out", 2)
in_ = mod.input("in", 2)
# fsm requires a clk and async rst
# add a dummy fsm
fsm = mod.add_fsm("Color")
# add outputs
# add states
red = fsm.add_state("Red")
blue = fsm.add_state("Blue")
# set the state transition, in_ == 0), in_ == 1), in_ == 1)
# fill in outputs
red.output(out_, 2)
blue.output(out_, 1)
# set the start case

First, we create a FSM called "Color" using [gen].add_fsm(), which returns an FSM object. By default, it searches for clock and async reset signal in the generator. If the generator has multiple clocks/reset, you can provide the variable in [gen].add_fsm() (see API for more information).

Then, we specify the outputs by calling fsm.output(). All the outputs have to be fully specified. This allows Kratos to check the completeness of the FSM.

You can add a state by calling fsm.add_state(state_name). It will return an object that represent the state. You can describe the state transition by calling, condition), where next_state can either be a str or state object. You also need to fully specify the outputs for each output variable, using state.output(output_var, value). If the output value is not changed, you can use None as value.

By default, the start state is the first state in alphabetical order. You can set the start state using fsm.set_start_state(state), where state can either be a str or state object.

Here is the generated SystemVerilog code. Notice that all the output code blocks are named to help you debug in simulation.

module mod (
  input logic  clk,
  input logic [1:0] in,
  output logic [1:0] out,
  input logic  rst

typedef enum {
  Blue = 1'h0,
  Red = 1'h1
} Color_state;
Color_state   Color_current_state;
Color_state   Color_next_state;

always @(posedge clk, posedge rst) begin
  if (rst) begin
    Color_current_state <= Red;
  else Color_current_state <= Color_next_state;
always_comb begin
  unique case (Color_current_state)
    Blue: if (in == 2'h1) begin
      Color_next_state = Red;
    Red: if (in == 2'h1) begin
      Color_next_state = Blue;
    else if (in == 2'h0) begin
      Color_next_state = Red;
always_comb begin
  unique case (Color_current_state)
    Blue: begin :Color_Blue_Output
        out = 2'h1;
    Red: begin :Color_Red_Output
        out = 2'h2;
endmodule   // mod

How to debug FSM

Kratos has built-in ability to output state transition diagram and output table. You can obtain the diagram using fsm.dot_graph() or fsm.dot_graph(filename). If filename is not provided, a string version will be returned. dot_graph() returns a standard dot graph that can be converted into images via dot. You can also use fsm.output_table() to obtain the table for each state’s output. Again, providing the function with a file name will save the output to a file.

Here is the state transition graph generated from the example


As always, if you set the debug in the generator to be true, Kratos will generate full trace of each statements back to the original python functions. In addition, it utilizes named block to group outputs signals together in generated SystemVerilog. This will make debugging with waveform much easier.

Access State Variables

Because Kratos allows users to modify FSM at any time, generally speaking the realization of FSM happens at the very end. However, sometimes users may want to access to state variable when calculating other outputs. To no so, you can realize the FSM by hand using fsm.realize() function. Once it’s realized fsm.current_sate becomes accessible. To ensure type safety, you need to use the enum type to create your variable. An example is shown below:

mod = Generator("mod", debug=True)
out_ = mod.output("out", 2)
in_ = mod.input("in", 2)
# fsm requires a clk and async rst
clk = mod.clock("clk")
rst = mod.reset("rst")
# add a dummy fsm with reset low
fsm = mod.add_fsm("Color", reset_high=False)
# realize fsm now
current_state = fsm.current_state
# create an enum var based on current_state
state_enum = current_state.enum_type()
# can create a variable from the enum definition
# notice that variable s will be optimized away if not used
s = mod.enum_var("s", state_enum)
c = mod.var("counter", 1)

@always((posedge, clk), (negedge, rst))
def counter():
    if rst.r_not():
        c = 0
    elif current_state == state_enum.Red:
        c = c + 1


In the example, we realize the FSM and then obtain the current state variable. We can get the enum type by calling current_state.enum_type(). After that, you can use the enum variable when comparing with the enum values defined by your FSM. You can use . notation to access the enum value from the enum types. Notice that you can use the state_enum, which is an enum type to create enum variable with that type.


Once the FSM is realized by the user, any changes to the FSM may have unexpected behavior.

Moore machine to Mealy

Kratos offers a simple way to convert Moore machine (the default) one into a Mealy machine. To avoid state naming confusion, all states are kept the same all the outputs are handled through functions inside the state transition block.

To set the FSM to Mealy machine, simply do fsm.is_moore = False to convert it into a Mealy machine. You’re free to change it at any time before the FSM hits realize_fsm pass.

Coming Soon

  1. Formal verification on FSM: both general cases and per-design
  2. Directly specify Mealy machine.